יום שבת, 26 באוקטובר 2013

SC n° 193 - Un jouet pour votre animal de companie

here is my creation for the idea of isabelle - a little toy for my pet.
thia time I made something for kika, my little kitten. She is a gifted kitten, playing with everything, very curious and sweet.

יום שני, 14 באוקטובר 2013

SC n° 191 - Souris !

A few days ago I have decided to learn one new word a day.  In any language.
One of the first words was - souris, a mouse .
It was as if Isabelle felt that, and the 191 Sc Chalenge was to create - a mouse! - souris.
My little mouse came to the world and was welcomed by my cat.
Afterwards he climbed on my hand as he smelled something very  familiar. what was that smell?
It can't be!!!!!! oh - la- la!
it is!
My favorite cheese - Camembert, and from Normandie too!!!!!!.
After sniffing a while he was soooooo happy and fell asleep, dreaming sweet dreams .

יום שני, 7 באוקטובר 2013

SC n° 190 - Le temps est compté...

one afternoon,
three hours of work and
here is my creation:
a little purse for my car lisence and car insurance.